Sunday Best

“Mum can I go to the cinema on Sunday?” Ryan asked.

“Not this Sunday I'm afraid. We've been invited to Melanie's for Sunday lunch.”

“Ooh.” he frowned. “Who's Melanie?”

“My boss, at work.” his mother replied.

“That's gonna be boring. You'll just be talking about work all the time.”

“We probably will, and you'll just have to be quiet and polite.”

“Hmm.” Ryan frowned. “Can I go to the cinema on Saturday instead then?”

“I'm afraid not.” his mother said. 

“Oh why?”

“Because Melanie is expecting you to be dressed for Sunday, which means we need to go shopping for Sunday best.”

“What?!” Ryan remarked. “You don't like Sunday best!”

“I know but Melanie specifically asked if you'd be dressed for Sunday and I said you would, so it's either...”

“Why did you say that?!”

“Lots of boys dress for Sunday these days.”

“Yeah but they're all mummy's boys... and I remember you specifically saying that you didn't like Sunday clothes!”

“Well I don't really... but it's not everyday we get invited to my boss's house for dinner.” his mother told him. Ryan huffed. “I just want to make the best impression and I want you to be on your very best behaviour.”

“If I went to the cinema you wouldn't have to worry about my behaviour and you could make the best impression on your own.” Ryan diplomatically suggested.

“Melanie's keen to meet you and I’ve told told her you'll be going.” his mother reiterated. “What film were you wanting to see anyway?”

“Furiosa Four.”

“Well maybe you could see it next weekend.” his mother suggested. “It'll still be on.”

“But my mates are going this weekend.”

“Well I'm sorry but you can't. We've got lunch on Sunday and shopping on Saturday.”

“But you don't like Sunday best.” Ryan mournfully reminded his mother. 

“I'm kind of coming around to it. I've been looking at lots of different styles online. Some of them aren't so bad.”

“I'd rather wear a Sunday dress.” Ryan grumped.


“No!” he snorted.

“I was going to say.” his mother replied.

“Why can't I just wear a shirt and trousers?” Ryan asked. “Long trousers.” he added.

“Because 'dressed for Sunday' means either Sunday best or a Sunday dress and that's what Melanie's expecting.”

“So you're just sucking up to your boss even though you don't like Sunday best?”

“I'm trying to make the best impression and I've told her that you'll be dressed for Sunday so it's either Sunday best or a Sunday dress. The choice is yours.”

“Well if it's up to me I won't go at all. I'll go to the cinema instead, with my friends.”

“That's not happening this Sunday Ryan.” his mother told him, in no uncertain terms.
