sister and I are twins. We're fraternal twins, not identical twins,
but the number of people who ask if we are identical is beyond
belief! The fact that we don't look identical should be a clue but
no, people have to ask. Being twins, our birthday celebrations have
always been a joint affair. Last year I suggested we go paint-balling
and Sally thought it was a great idea. I invited two of my friends
and she invited two of hers and all six of us donned the camouflage
and took up arms before taking part in battles, skirmishes, campaigns
and missions. The photograph was taken before the first battle. It
didn't take long for our outfits to be covered in numerous splats of
red, yellow, green and blue paint. We all had a great time and talked
about it for weeks afterwards.
![]() |
row: Jordan, Mark, Peter (me). Front row: Kirsten, Sally (my sister), Mollie. |
This year, I suggested
we have another paint-ball party, but Sally wasn't keen for two
reasons. One; doing the same thing again is boring and unimaginative.
Two; it's her turn to think of something. Fair enough, I thought.
Although she didn't have any firm ideas beyond going to the cinema or
maybe the bowling alley. Sally finally decided that she wanted a 'traditional' party at
home with a few friends, a birthday buffet and plenty of party games. I thought
it sounded boring and unimaginative (and a little bit childish) but
it's her turn to choose so... whatever!
“Yeah but...”
“...and this year
it's Sally's turn to choose.”
“Yeah but...”
“But what Peter?”
I gulped and looked at
the dress. “You are kidding aren't you?” I grinned knowingly. I
knew she was kidding. She has to be... surely?
“No Peter... Sally
wants a party with a pink theme and she's always been a girlie girl
so she wants all the guests to wear pretty pink dresses.” my mother
stated. “Have you thought about who to invite?”
“Well... I was gonna
ask Jordan and Mark again but...” I gulped. “You are having me
on... surely you don't seriously expect me to wear a dress? It is my
birthday too you know!”
“I know it is, but as
you know, it's Sally turn to choose how to celebrate.” my mother
reiterated. “Now I understand if you don't want to invite any of
your friends, but that is up to you.” she said. “But let me know
sooner rather than later because if not, Sally can invite four
friends instead of two.”
“Tell her she can
invite five... coz I'm not coming.”
“Oh don't be like
that Peter. Sally did what you wanted last year.”
“Yeah but that was
“This'll be fun.”
my mother claimed. “She's put a lot of effort into planning the
party games.”
Sally had mentioned her
ideas which included pass-the-parcel, musical statues, pin the tail
on the donkey, blindman's buff. “It sounds like a kids party.” I
grumbled. “We'll be fourteen.” I stated. “And I’m definitely
not wearing a dress!”
“Well... I've bought
it now.” Mum replied. “It wasn't cheep and I went all the way to
Penton to buy it...”
“Well if you'd asked
me first.”
“Sally told you what
she had in mind weeks ago and you said 'fine'.”
“She told she wanted
a normal party at home with a buffet and games.” I retorted. On
reflection, maybe she did say something like 'and we'll all wear nice
dresses', but I didn't think for a second that that included me! I
looked into my mother's eyes. Into her face. Into her soul even.
“You're not kidding are you?” She slowly yet surely shook her
head. “Oh god.” I groaned.
“Sally's set her
heart on it.” Mum said. She turned her gaze to the dress. “Why
don't you try it for size? See how it feels? It might not seem so bad
once you've got it on.”
“I'm sure it'll seem
ten times worse when I'm wearing it.” I replied as I imagined doing
just that.
“Well at least try
the shoes on.” Mum suggested. “If they're too small I'll have to
take them back.”
I cast my reluctant eye
over the shoes. “You could've got flat ones.” I groaned as I
picked one up for a closer inspection.
“I could... but I
didn't.” my mother replied. “Here...” she said, reaching out
her hand. “ take your shoes off and I’ll undo the buckles.”
I passed her the shoe
with a trembling hand and untied my laces and slipped of my shoes.
Mum handed me one the new shoes and I hesitated before pulling it
onto my foot. “It's a bit tight.”
“Take your socks
off.” Mum suggested. “How's that?” she asked a moment later.
“Apart from being
absolutely vile...” I said. “ fits.” Mum passed me the
other one. “Do I have to?” I whined.
“Yes.” she replied.
I slipped it on. “Fasten the buckles.” she insisted.
I fiddled with them and
finally got one fastened. The second buckle was just as fiddly, but I
fastened it and stood up. “These feel weird.” I said.
“They look nice.”
my mother replied before suggesting I walk around a bit. “Comfy?”
“No.” I said. Mum
asked what was wrong with them. “Well, the heel for a start... and
not wearing socks, and the fact they're pink with bows on.” I
“You'll be wearing
socks on Saturday.” Mum replied. “...or tights.” she added.
“I'm not gonna wear
tights.” I moaned.
“Socks then.” Mum
shrugged. “You might find it easier if you don't look at your
feet.” she suggested as I slowly paced up and down the kitchen.
“Head up, shoulders back... imagine the heel is an extension of
your leg.” she advised.
“I'm gonna feel like
a right prannock trying to walk in these.” I moaned.
“Well you've got a
few days to get used to them.” she said. “Do you want to try the
dress on?”
“No!” I yelped as
she removed it from the chair over which it'd been slung, held it up
and admired it. “I can't believe you bought me that and expect me
to wear it.”
“Would you have
rather chose your own?”
I briefly imagine
shopping for a dress. “No.” I groaned. “But if I had I wouldn't
have chosen a Lolita dress.”
Mum made a comment
about my fashion knowledge and I pointed out that the Lolita style
isn't exactly fashionable. “Anyway, this isn't a Lolita dress.”
she claimed. “It's a Brolita dress... specially made for boys.”
she informed me as a smug grin swept her face.
“There's no way that
was made for a boy!” I stated. Mum explained that it's been 'cut'
for a flat chest and informed me that girl's dresses are designed to
accommodate a bust. “It's still a dress though.”
“It is... and your
sister's set her heart on everyone wearing dresses so please ...don't
let her down.” Mum said in a tone that suggested she meant it. I
gulped and nodded, but made it clear that I wasn't at all happy.
“Now... if you don't want to try it on, can I at least hold it
against you to check the length?” she asked as she approached with
the dreaded dress on its hanger. I did nothing as she held the dress
against me apart from look down at it and gulp. Mum asked me to hold
it so she could step back and have a proper look. The folds of light
pink fabric obscure my feet so I kick out my foot. The dress, I guess
is about knee length, maybe a little shorter. Mum tells me to hold it
a little higher, so the hanger is level with my shoulders. I raise it
and look down again. I hold its skirt against me and guess that it's
hem is about six inches above the knee. I begin to wonder what its
like to wear such a garment. It seems highly impractical. It's no
wonder most girls and women opt for pants, trousers or shorts these
days. I imagine it swishing this way and that. Having to crouch
rather than bend and sitting with my knees together. “Are you going
to stand there all day or...” my mother says, dragging me from my
“Oh er... I er...”
I could feel myself begin to blush. “...was waiting for to you
check the length.”
“It's fine.” Mum
replied as I handed it to her. “I was hoping it'd be just above the
knee.” she added before cocking her head and saying, “You'll have
to shave your legs.”
“What?!” I
exclaimed. “No!” I stated.
“It'll grow back in
no time.” Mum assured. I tried to visualise the dress with a pair
of hairy legs emerging from its folds. I recalled my earlier protest
against the idea of wearing tights instead of socks and retracted it.
“Well... they'll be thin so...” she shrugged.
“So what?” I
“The hairs would
still show through.” she replied.
I suggested thicker
tights. “ Sally wears for school. I know for a fact that she
opts for tights when she can't be bothered to shave her legs.”
“True... but I've
already bought some.” Mum replied as she removed them from one of
her bags and showed me the pack.
“You said I could
wear socks.”
“You can if you want.
You said you'd prefer tights.”
“But...” I looked
at them again and gulped. “...they're lacy.”
“I know.” Mum
smiled. “So are the socks I bought you.”
She showed me those too
and my bottom lip instinctively stuck out. “They're like Sally's!”
I moaned. My sister is a real girlie girl. So much so she gets teased
at school by her classmates.
“They are.” mum
smiled. “I could have just given you a pair of hers to wear but I
figured it'd be nicer to have your own.” she smiled. “I also
thought it'd be nice to have a choice, which is why I bought both.”
“Great.” I groaned.
“Any more surprises?” I asked. My tone was deliberately think
with apathy.
“A few.” Mum smiled
as she put the tights and socks back in the bag.
“Do I really have to
shave my legs?” I asked. “Isn't there some cream I can use?”
“I was going to
suggest cream.” Mum replied. “Lets see how bad they are.” she
I pulled up my trouser
leg to reveal half of my calf, covered in a fuzzy mess of dark brown
hair. Mum told me that regardless of whether is use a razor or
depilation cream, I do need to tackle my leg hair, otherwise I'd look
ridiculous. “I'll look ridiculous either way.” I replied as I
cast my eyes nervously over the dress I'll be wearing.
“You'll look cute.”
Mum grinned.
“Same thing.” I
The dress soon began
its residency in my wardrobe. The shoes stayed on my feet since I
need to get used to wearing them. If I have to wear heels I’d
rather not walk like an amateur drag queen for the duration. When my
sister arrived home, she bounded up to my room insisting on seeing
'it'. “Wow this is fantastic.” she said as she held my dress
against herself and twirled with it. God! She couldn't be any more
girlie of she tried, I thought. “Do you like it?” she asked.
“It's horrendous.”
I replied.
“Have you worn it?”
she asked. I shook my head. “Why not?” she quizzed. “Or are you
saving it for Saturday?”
“Something like
that.” I dryly retorted. “I'm avoiding it 'til Saturday.” I
added. “You could have asked me if I wanted to wear a dress.”
“I did.” she
claimed as she hung it back on the rail. “Sort of.”
“Yeah... sort of!”
I retorted before reiterating the conversation we'd had a couple of
weeks ago. “When you said and we'll all wear party dresses,
I though you meant you and your friends.”
Sally shook her head.
“No, I meant all of us.” she replied. “I was surprised
that you agreed.”
“Well I didn't agree!”
"You did!" she said. “Anyway it's too late now. Mum's bought your dress.”
"You did!" she said. “Anyway it's too late now. Mum's bought your dress.”
“And shoes.” I said
as my head dropped to my feet. She was flabbergasted that I was
actually wearing them. I lifted the legs of my jeans to give her a
proper look. “Wow... they'll go perfectly with your dress.”
“You can say that
again.” I groaned. “They're just as horrendous.”
“Why are you wearing
them then?”
“Because I don't want
to look like more of an idiot... I need to be able to walk properly
in 'em.”
“True.” she
replied. “Any way you won't look like an idiot... you'll look
“I'll look like a
girl.” I whined, before informing her that according to Mum, it's actually a boy's dress.
“Well in that case
there's nothing wrong with a boy wearing it... and it's only for the
day.” she shrugged.
“Yeah I guess.”
“It's gonna be ace! I
can't wait 'til Saturday.” she exclaimed. “I've never had a
proper girl's birthday party before!”
Sally left me alone. I
slumped on my bed and kicked out my feet. “It's gonna be so weird.”
I muttered as I imagined wearing the full ensemble. Sally's got a
point I guess. We've always had joint birthday parties and whilst
she's often worn a party dress for the occasion, she's never had a
proper girls party... but she soon will have, and so will I.
A while later I
sauntered downstairs to grab a snack and watch some TV. “Still got
your new shoes on I see.” Mum said.
“I'm still trying to
get used to them.”
“Good for you.”
“When will I have to
shave my legs?” I asked.
“Friday evening or
Saturday morning would be best.” Mum replied.
I decided to say
nothing about my immanent birthday to my two best friends; Jordan and
Mark. If they ask, I'll just say we're only having a family meal this
year... and if they get wind of my sister's party, I'll play it down
and claim that's 'her' birthday party, not mine (we are all in the
same year at the same school, so it's likely). Hopefully they'll
presume I'll not be attending it... and hopefully I'll be able to
talk Sally and her friends into not saying anything afterwards. Sally's
already agreed not to mention my party outfit beforehand, it's just a
case of getting the girls she's inviting to keep it secret afterwards. It'd be bad enough if my classmates found out that I'd worn a dress, let alone a baby pink one with matching shoes and white lacy tights!
Sally and I seldom
walked home from school together. She tends to stick with her friends
and I tend to stick with mine. We get along just fine but we're about
as far as you can get from identical twins... she's a girl and I’m
a boy for a start. She listens to pop music whilst I prefer a rockier
sound. I enjoy action films, she loves romantic comedies. I'm a
normal boy and she's an old fashioned girlie girl which in this day
and age, can be quite an embarrassment. Today however, I loiter by
the school gates and wait for her. I spot her exiting the school
building with friend Mollie. They stand out because they're two of
the few girls who still wear skirts for school. “You waiting for me
Pete?” Sally asked as she approached. Mollie smiled and greeted me
too. I suspected Sally had told her about my party outfit, but wasn't
going to ask one way or the other. The three of us walked together
for a while until Mollie headed in her own direction. The moment she
was out of earshot, I asked Sally if she'd told her. “No... course
not!” she insisted.
“You sure?” I
asked. “Because the way she grinned at me... I suspected she knew
something.” Sally assured me that her lips were sealed and informed
me that I'm their 'big surprise'. “So... who else have you
invited?” I asked.
“Mollie and Kirsten
and Sarah Clarke...”
“I don't know her.”
I interjected. Sally described Sarah but I was none the wiser, before
explaining that she's not a 'girlie' girl and would be borrowing one
of Sally's prissy dresses for the party. “I kinda wish I was
borrowing one of yours too.”
“That was the idea.”
she informed me. “Then Mum noticed the boy's section in the back of
one of my catalogues and figured you'd rather wear a boy's dress than
a girl's one.” she explained.
"I'd have much rather borrowed a girl's dress!" I sighed.“It seems like a lot of expense for just a few hours though.” I stated. “Those pink shoes alone must cost twenty or thirty quid.”
"I'd have much rather borrowed a girl's dress!" I sighed.“It seems like a lot of expense for just a few hours though.” I stated. “Those pink shoes alone must cost twenty or thirty quid.”
“Well my shoes
wouldn't fit you... so you at least need your own.” she said before
asking how I was getting on with them.
I described them as
'weird' before adding that they're 'OK'. “It was weird when I
finally took them off... I felt about two inches shorter.”
“Well you would have
been.” she smiled. “I was impressed that you kept them on for so
“It was only a few
hours... and I do need the practice if I'm going to carry it off.”
“Oooh it's great that
you're making the effort.” she said. “Are you looking forward to
“I'm looking forward
to it all being over.” I replied. “And when it is over, word'll
get round that I wore a dress and it'll haunt me for the rest of my
life.” I claimed. “So no... I’m dreading it.”
“It'll be fine.”
she insisted. I wasn't convinced. I asked who else she'd invited.
“Melanie.” she replied.
“Cousin Melanie?” I
asked. She nodded. “Ohhh... that means the whole family will find
out too.”
“It's just a dress
Peter... loads of boys dress as girls for Halloween and stuff.”
“Yeah I guess.” I
conceded. We always dress up for Halloween but I've never once
considered dressing as girl. A zombie, vampire, mummy and
Frankenstein's monster; yes... a girl; no... well not until now. I
expect the dress will still be in my wardrobe come autumn. “You
know when you shave your legs?” I asked.
“How long does it
take for them to start growing back?”
“A couple of days.”
she replied. “If leave them a week they either need shaving or I
wear thick tights.”
“So just a week
“Yeah... a week tops.
In the summer I’ll shave every two or three days... in the winter
not quite so often.”
“Cool.” I replied.
She asked why I was asking and I sheepishly told her that Mum said I
have to shave my legs for the party. “...or use some cream.”
“You really are
making the effort aren't you!” she exclaimed.
I replied saying that I
have to. I stopped and pulled up my trouser leg. “Can you imagine
these sticking out of a pink dress?” I asked as I ran my fingers
over my bushy leg hair.
She giggled and said
“No.” before informing that it might take a bit more than a week
for them to grow back to that extent.
“Well I'll just have
to avoid shorts until they do.” I figured. It's not a bad plan
since we can wear shorts or tracksuit pants for PE, and I can opt out
of swimming if I want. The fact that our cousin Melanie had been
invited popped back into my head. “Does Mel know that it's a pink
party?” I asked.
“Yep.” Sally
“Does she even own a
dress?” I asked. In our mother's youth, Melanie would have been
called a tom-boy, but in this day and age, she's a typical girl who
generally shuns things like dresses, make-up, long hair and
jewellery. Sally informed me that like Sarah, Melanie will also be
borrowing one of her dresses. “She can borrow mine if she wants.”
I suggested. Sally chuckled.
Friday evening comes
around all to quickly. Although I shave my chin semi-regularly, I'm
reluctant to shave my legs for fear of cutting myself. Mum gave me a
tube of Veet and instructed me how to use it. She warned that the
tingly sensation is normal and advised me to leave it on for a good
ten minutes for best results. I took it and myself into the bathroom
and stripped down to my underpants. Judging by the amount of hair
there is to remove, I could be here for some time. It took far far
longer than I’d expected. About ninety minutes later I sheepishly
emerged wearing my bathrobe. Mum asked me if I'd showered and
moisturised afterwards like she'd advised. “Yeah.” I replied. She
smiled and asked how they felt. “Er... quite nice I guess.” I
“Let me feel.” she
asked. I put my foot on the chair arm and she ran her fingers over my
knee and down my shin. “Very nice... did you go all the way up?”
I gulped and nodded.
“I'm not sure if I was supposed to but... I did my arms too.” I
said as I showed her my forearm.
“Oh. You didn't have
to go that far.” Mum replied. I explained that I was in two minds
but it made sense under the circumstances. “That explains why it
took you so long.” she smiled.
“Yeah.” I coyly
replied. I rolled my sleeve down and headed toward the door. Mum
asked where I was going. “To put my shoes on.”
I returned a moment
later wearing my pink heeled shoes along with my pyjama bottoms and
bathrobe. “Don't your toes get clammy without socks?” Mum asked.
“A bit.” I replied.
Mum suggested I put some socks on. “Nah... it'd have to be those
frilly ones and I'd rather have clammy toes.” I said. “I'll wear
those tights tomorrow I think.”
“I was hoping you
would.” Mum smiled. We watched TV for a while before Sally's
absence dawned on me. “Still deciding what to wear I expect.” Mum
replied before suggesting that I go up and help her decide.
In spite of my total
lack of interest regarding my sister's party outfit, I sauntered
upstairs, trying my best to work with my heels with each and every
step. I knocked on Sally's door and she opened it. “Oh! Hi Pete. I
thought you were Mum.”
“Nah. Just me.” she
invited me inside. “Blimey!” I said as I gorped at a selection of
dresses that lay strewn across her bed.
I turn towards her
wardrobe and my jaw drops. “How do you get those...” I pointed to
the numerous frocks on her duvet. “ there?” I asked, turning
to her wardrobe.
“With great
difficulty.” she replied. I'm not surprised. “I might have to
start putting some in your wardrobe.” she suggested.
“It's bad enough
having one dress in there.” I retorted. “No wonder you can't
decide what to wear.”
“I know.. and
deciding for Kirsten, Sarah and cousin Mel... it's no easy task.”
I cast my eyes over the
frocks on her bed. “Well... there's four pink ones. And it's a pink
theme so...”
“I know but Sarah
doesn't want to wear pink and Melanie doesn't want to wear a dress at
all... maybe I could get her into a blue one but...”
“What about those
really girlie shorts... them frilly dungaree things”
Sally rummaged in her
wardrobe and dragged an item out. “These?”
“If I was given a
choice between those or a dress... I think I’d go for the dress.”
“Yeah... I love the
look of them but I didn't like wearing them very much.” Sally
“Why not?”
“Too boyish.”
“Sally... there's
nothing boyish about those.”
“Apart from the fact
they are for boys.” she retorted. “Look...” she showed me the
label, “...Kawaii-Boi... it's a Japanese boy's brand.”
“Hmm... it's quite
worrying that they're actually making this sort of stuff for boys.”
I said. “Especially when most girls don't even wear stiff like this
any more.”
“I think it's a bit
weird but it sort of makes sense.”
“In what way?”
“Well... if the girls
aren't buying, sell it to the boys.” she replied. “Maybe in ten,
twenty years time boys and men will be wearing the skirts and
“I can't see it
“Me neither but...
you never know. My sociology teacher said that girls and boys are
gender neutral these days and the pendulum could swing the other way
before long.” she explained. I've had similar lectures and
discussions in sociology class but I, along with most believe the
'pendulum' has stopped swinging and the future is one that's more
gender neutral than the past. But maybe the metaphorical pendulum is
still swaying a little? I am after all preparing to wear my first
dress. I cast my eyes over the collection on her bed and ask which
she's going to wear. “I don't know!” she whined. “I think I
might be able to shoehorn Kirsten into the lilac one, and put Melanie
in that blue one...”
“Or those.” I
interrupted, grinning and pointing at the pink dungaree shorts.
Sally smiled and raised
her eyebrows. “...and Sarah's wearing pink whether she likes it or
“And you?”
“I don't know!” she
giddily exclaimed. “I've got too many to choose from!”
“I guess I’m lucky
having just the one.” I dryly stated. “I'd best leave you to it.”
“You can stay if you
want... you could model them for me... help me make my mind up.”
I glanced at the
dreadful dungarees. “Er... no thanks. I'm only gonna wear one dress
and that's hanging in my wardrobe.” I replied before opening her
“Got your shoes on I
“Yeah.” I replied.
“I'm kind of getting used to them.” I said before leaving. I
returned downstairs and described the scene to my mother; dresses all
over the bed, wardrobe wide open, shoes all over the floor. Mum was
amused by my account. I told her about the pink dungarees which will
be used to 'hopefully' get cousin Melanie to wear a dress. “Even
I'd rather wear a dress than those.” I stated. “They're gross!”
“Oh I think they're
quite sweet.” Mum replied. “Not very practical for a girl
though.” she added, before casually informing me that they're
actually a male garment.
“Yeah Sally said.”
I replied. “Hard to believe eh?”
“It is... but the
world is changing.” Mum grew up in a time when girls were mostly
girlie by default. She often talks about how things used to be and
how much better things are these days. Women were looked down on if
they didn't dress up by wearing skirts and heels, make-up, etc. Now
they're looked down on when they do dress up because femininity in
the modern world is more about being a feminist rather than feminine.
Trousers and flats, short hairstyles, minimal and often no make-up is
worn in the workplace. My sister however is a throwback from another
age and Mum often says that she should dress down more often...
especially for school where she wears ribbons and bunches, lace
trimmed socks and the old fashioned school skirt. She's more than
happy for Sally to be as girlie as she likes in the home, but the
lesson is that at school and later, in the workplace, being overtly
girlie won't do her any favours. I guess this is possibly why Sally's
so keen on having a girl's birthday party... the older she gets, the
more she'll have to either grow out of, or suppress her girlie
In bed that night, my
bed feels unusually slinky. It's quite nice being hairless. I wake
early and have a long lie in before dressing and heading downstairs.
The party isn't until 3.00pm so there's plenty of time. I wear
joggers and a T shirt. Sally wears a plain dress over a little T
shirt and it's our birthday! (woo hoo, and all that). I get the usual
bits and bobs, a new T shirt, a video game and a music CD. Sally gets
similar gifts, but our main gift is a digital camera... not one
between us but one each! 30MP, 25x Zoom, 3½ ” touch screen, HD
video with a built in smart phone, datacorder and satnav. Sally's is
metallic pink and mine is silver. We spend all morning taking photos
and videos of anything and everything, even the birthday cards we've
received. We even took photos of our breakfast!
We did put our new
cameras down to help Mum prepare for the party. Mum asked why I
wasn't practising wearing my new shoes. “Well... I wore them for
about three hours on Tuesday, another two or three hours on
Wednesday, same on Thursday and about five hours last night... if I
can't walk in them now I never will.” I replied.
“Fair enough... and
for the record, you walk as well as any girl in heels.” she
complimented. Sally agreed, but that was enough idle chatter. Cake
mix needed mixing for the cup cakes, icing needed to be mixed also. I
helped Mum stuff volovants whilst Sally made a stack of sandwiches.
Then, using a heart-shaped biscuit cutter cut each and every one into
the shape of a love heart and arranged them on a pink platter. It was
effective yet wasteful but Mum said we'd be having the off cuts for
dinner, so not that wasteful. With the cakes, sausage rolls,
volovants and pizza slices in the oven, I all of a sudden found
myself at a loose end. “What should I do now?” I asked.
checked the time. “Well they'll be in the oven for twenty minutes,
which gives me just enough time to do something with your hair.”
I bit my lip. “Like
what?” I asked. Whilst my hair isn't long like Sally's, it's not
short back and sides either. It's those shoulder length moppish locks
with the fringe hanging slightly over the eyes; a style that many
boys wear these days.
“Something nice.”
Mum replied. “Sally... will you keep an eye on the cupcakes? ...and
please don't let them burn!” she said before leading me out of the
kitchen. I had one request; whatever she's going to do, please make
sure it'll either brush or wash out once the party's over. Mum
assured me that it would but wouldn't tell me precisely what she has
in mind. She takes me into her room. I loiter shyly as she retrieves
one of the big boutique carrier bags that I’d last seen on Tuesday;
the day I realised that this year my sister and I would be having a
girl's birthday party. Before digging into the bag, she put a white
silky dressing gown on the bed and told me I could use her en-suite
and wear the gown. “Oh er...” I hesitated before picking it up.
“Just a tick...”
she said as I headed for her en-suite bathroom. “ need these
too.” She help up a pair of very pale pink knickers, then a
matching bra-like top. I figured I’d be wearing my own undies
beneath the dress and couldn't help but protest at the knickers and
bra she'd revealed. “They're not knickers Peter... they're just
really nice underpants.” she claimed. Similar justification was
used for the bra, which is apparently just a little cropped vest. I
wasn't convinced. “Have you ever seen knickers like this before?”
she asked as she demonstrated how baggy they'd fit. “They're
clearly for boys.” she said.
“Clearly.” I dryly
said as I took them to the en-suite. I removed my joggers and
underpants, pulled them on and looked at myself.
“Yeah... clearly for
boys!” I grumbled before removing my T shirt and pulling on the
bra... I mean 'little cropped vest'.
The satin knickers and
bra-top have loads of lacy trim. They're so very girlie I have to
stop myself from giggling at my reflection. But it's not just my
underwear... it's me too. With not a single hair covering my legs or
arms they look slim and slender and, dare I say it, altogether
I don the silky
dressing gown and return to my mother's room. Thankfully she doesn't
ask to see how nice my new underwear looks. Instead, she sits me at
her dressing table and begins to run a damp comb through my hair.
Then, after separating front from back, she begins to section off the
back half and takes to it, bit by bit, with a pair of electric
curling tongs. After five or ten minutes, she popped downstairs to
check on the cakes. I spent a few moments grimacing at the handful of
curls she'd put in. “I knew she was going to do something like
this.” I said to myself as I cast my eyes over the items on her
dressing table. For a woman who doesn't seem to wear make-up very
often, she seems to have an awful lot of it. “Oh that's gonna be
next isn't it!” I say to myself as I realise that there's much more
to wearing a dress than just wearing a dress. I arrange my silky robe
over my lap and enjoy how it feels against my hairless skin. I sneak
a quick peak of my curious little knickers, or 'really nice
underpants' as Mum claims them to be. They're kinda cute I guess, I
think as Mum returns. She continues curling my hair and as a mass of
tight ringlets cover the back and sides of my head, Mum asks me what
I think. “Sally'll like it.” I gulp.
“Sally will love it!”
she assured. “Now I'm going to trim your fringe... just a tiny
bit.” she said. In for penny, I figured. My fringe needs the
occasional trim anyway, but what I wasn't prepared for was just how
wide my fringe would become. She cut it arrow straight from almost
ear to ear and combined with the short bouncy ringlets, I already
looked more like a girl than a boy. “Now I'm not sure whether to
put a simple pink ribbon in it or a big Lolita bow.. what do you
“Errr.... I dunno.
I'll let you decide.” I hesitantly replied. “Maybe just a
“I think so.” she
said before putting a plastic head band on me and using it to hold my
fringe off my face. “This is just whilst I do your make up.” she
“How are those cakes
getting on?” I asked.
“Sally's got it under
control.” Mum confidently replied, before trotting to the landing
and hollering, “Sally... are those cakes OK?” Mum returned and
began applying moisturiser, powder and all sorts of other stuff to my
face. It was fascinating watching my natural skin tone be replaced
with an even sheen, then seeing shadows and highlights added to my
face. Mum reminisced over days gone by as she applied all the layers.
“It's hard to imagine that women had to do this every morning
before going to work... even going to the shop they were expected to
paint themselves and do their hair.” she said. “Life's a lot
easier these days when we only do it for special occasions.” she
“Sally would have
liked it.” I knowingly replied.
“Sally would have
loved it.” Mum grinned. “How about you? Enjoying yourself?”
“Well...” I
chuffed. “...I'm not really doing anything. You're doing all the
work.” I said. “It's kind of nice being pampered I suppose.”
“Good.” Mum smiled.
“It's nice doing some pampering for a change.” After short while,
Mum said “Right, that'll do for now.”
“But... I haven't got
any lipstick on yet.” I said.
“You may as well
leave that until after lunch... it'd only need reapplying.” she
said. “Now you've got to be very careful.. no rubbing your eyes, in
fact, no touching your face, or you'll ruin it.”
“OK.” I gulped.
“Can I put my dress on yet?”
“If you want.” Mum
replied. “But you'll need your stockings on first.”
“I thought I was
wearing tights?”
“Same thing really.”
she claimed as she dug her hand into the big boutique carrier bag and
retrieved the little pack of lacy stockings. I pulled them on and
pulled them all the way up to my thighs.
Mum said they look
lovely. “Will they stay up on their own?” I asked.
“Not for long.” Mum
replied. “Which is why you need this.”
“What's that?” I
asked. The curious garment matched my underwear perfectly and it's straps
suggested a bra-like garment... but I'm already wearing one of those.
“It's a suspender belt.”
she replied. “It goes around your waist and these...” she showed
me the little clips, “...clip onto your stocking tops.” She
also explained that it needs to go beneath my undies.
She left me alone for a
second whilst I fiddled and faffed with the funny little clips. “How
you getting on?” she asked when she returned. My dress is in one
hand. My shoes in the other. She seemed impressed that I’d clipped
all four straps on myself, but it wasn't exactly hard. I wanted to
put the dress on but Mum wanted to check that my suspender straps
were adjusted properly which meant removing my gown. I felt both
dressed and naked as I stood there in my underwear. Mum also adjusted
my bra straps to ensure they wouldn't fall down. “Yes, of course...
sorry.” she said when I corrected her and said 'cropped vest'.
“Can I put the dress
on now?” I asked.
“All in good time.”
mum grinned. “There's a blouse first.”
“A blouse?!”
“I mean shirt.” mum replied as she removed it from the big boutique bag and unfolded
it. I gulped.
“Actually, it could
do with an iron... you're OK for a few more minutes aren't you?”
“Yeah I'm fine...
just getting used to my new underwear.” I sarcastically replied.
Mum grinned. “I must
say I was expecting you to be huffing and puffing a bit more.”
“Well it's just a
dress... and Sally's never had a proper girl's birthday before so...”
I replied. “The hard bits going to be when my mates at school find
out about it.”
“I wouldn't worry
about that.” Mum said. “They might tease you for a bit but then
they'll find something else.” she claimed. “Sally gets teased for
being girlie and she is a girl... just take a leaf out of her book
and shrug it off.”
“That's the plan.”
I said as Mum erected the ironing board.
“It's as a good a
plan as any.” she said as I donned the silky gown she'd loaned me.
“No... just a bit
shy.” I replied as I covered my frilly little undies. Mum began
ironing the shirt. I put my pink heeled shoes on and as I sat, I was
taken by surprise when my suspender straps quickly slid around my
hips, as if finding the shortest route between the belt and my
stockings. “Is that normal?” I wondered as I fastened the
buckles. They were really fiddly on Tuesday. Now they're easy to
fasten. I can't say I like the shoes but they do go with the rest of
my outfit. I've worn them for a few hours over the last four evenings
and they've always looked alien and felt awkward, although less so as
I persevered with them. But seeing them now, with their white lacy
background, they look like they finally belong.
I wait patiently yet
nervously for a few more minutes whilst mum irons the awkward
garment. She's struggling with the little puffy sleeves. At fourteen,
I've not had to do any ironing, but I can see why it's tricky. “Oh
that'll do.” Mum declared before passing me the unbuttoned garment.
“Thanks.” I said
through a pursed smile.
“I can't tell if
you're excited or shitting yourself.”
I was shocked that my
mother had used a rude word. It really wasn't like her. But she read
my mind perfectly. “A bit of both.” I confessed as I slid out of
the gown and slipped my arms through the sleeves of the blouse
shirt (who am I kidding?). “Is this a boy's blouse?” I asked.
“Its buttons fasten the same way as my shirts.” I added. Even in
this day and age, the buttons on women & girl's garments tend
fasten the opposite way.
“Well you didn't
think I'd buy you a load of girl's clothes for your birthday did
you?” she smiled. She held that smile whilst I buttoned my blouse.
Once done, she turned her head and said. “You ready?”
My dress lay in wait on
her duvet. Like a python its motionless, as if pretending to sleep...
waiting until I'm close enough and it'll strike in an instant and
wrap itself around me. The reality is far slower. Mum smiles as she
turns it over and unfastens the zip. Then she holds it and I
carefully step inside. One foot. Then the next. Mum says nothing but
I know what to do. I push my arms through its pinkness, lift it onto
my shoulders, then turn and put my back to her. She slowly fastens
the zip, arranges my collar and ties the the tapes in a bow at the
small of my back. I watch via the dressing table mirror. “How does
that feel?” she asks as she turns me to face her.
I'm almost gasping as I
try to cling on to these feelings. “Beautiful.” I reply as they
slip away. If I've learned one thing today, it's that putting on a
dress is a hell of a lot more exciting than putting on a pair of
pants. I'm starting to see what Sally sees in all this old fashioned
girlie girl stuff. Mum checked her wristwatch. “What time is it?”
I asked.
“Quarter to one.”
“Is that all?!” I
blurted. The process of styling my hair and applying my make-up
seemed to takes ages & ages and thoroughly expected it to be
around 2.00pm.
She led me out of her
room and hollered through Sally's bedroom door. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” Sally
hollered from the dining room.
“Careful on the
stairs on those shoes.” Mum advised as I followed her down. I
reminded her that I've had plenty of practice in the shoes. “Yes,
of course.” she said.
“It's this I'm not
used to.” I said as I ran my hands down my frock. In the dining
room my sister was arranging the buffet table wearing an equally pink
dress. Hers is closer to knee length than mine and although very
different, is equally prissy. More so possibly since hers has a huge
white bow on the back. She's put her hair in bunches and wears a pair
of pink bow barrettes. It takes her a few seconds to become aware of
my presence. She turns, looks and gasps before telling me that I look
'brilliant'. I coyly thank her and play it down. “It feels OK.”
I claim. "And a bit stupid." I add a sigh to punctuate the statement.
She requests a twirl
which I decline to perform. “Come on... you can't wear a dress like
that and not show it off.”
I shyly turn and she
notices what Mum has done to my hair. “Oh my god you've got
ringlets!” she gushes. “And look at your tights!” she exclaims.
“They're gorgeous! ...and they look vintage.”
I've no idea what they
are and Mum confirms that my tights are in fact vintage. I don't know
why but I pointed out that they're not tights but 'hold-ups'. I wish
I hadn't because Mum went on to say that being 'vintage' hold-ups,
the hold-up technology is old and primitive and therefore don't hold
themselves up very well. Sally said I'd just have to keep an eye on
them and hitch them up discreetly, like she does with her over-knee
socks. Mum told her that I was wearing a suspender belt and Sally
really wanted to see it. With great reluctance, I showed her but
revealed as little of my frilly underpants as possible. Sally said
she was jealous because she's just wearing tights. I requested that
she doesn't ask me to show my stocking tops to the other guests when
they arrive. “Your secret's safe with me.” she assured. I could
be certain that I could trust her but didn't have much choice. “Why
aren't you wearing lipstick?” she asked.
“Er... Mum said I had
to put it on after lunch.” I replied. “Something about having to
re-apply it.”
“Fair enough.”
Sally replied. We soon began tucking in to the off-cuts from the
heart shaped sandwiches, washed down with plenty of juice. Then we
continued getting the dining room ready. I helped with the décor;
blowing up balloons and laying the table, stringing pink princess
bunting across the ceiling and putting a pile of gaily wrapped gifts
on the sideboard. I asked what they were. “They're for
pass-the-parcel... and these are the prizes for the other games.”
she added. I couldn't help but enquire further. Musical statues,
blind man's buff and a variation of pin the tail on the donkey
called pin the ponytail on the princess.
“Oh dear!” I
thought. “This is gonna be like a party for seven year olds.”
“That's the plan.”
she grinned. “My first ever proper girl's party.” she grinned.
“...and hopefully the
last.” I thought. I felt an urge and headed to the hallway. Mum
followed and discreetly asked where I was going. “To the toilet.”
I replied.
“Thought so.” Mum
said, before advising me to sit down instead of standing up to avoid
getting any tell-tale splashes on my dress. “And don't forget to
check that it's not tucked into the back of your undies when you've
finished.” she added. We've all seen it and it's good advice. I
finished, flushed, washed my hands, checked the back of my dress in
the bathroom mirror and lingered for a moment. It's strange looking
like I do.... not horrible like I’d anticipated, just strange.
Sally wanted the
balloons putting in the corners of the dining room, so being the
taller of the two, I soon found myself climbing a step stool and
pushing a drawing pin into the ceiling with three pink balloons
attached. I repeated the process in all four corners and on the third
corner, something dawned on me. “You can't see up my dress can
“No.” Sally
assured. I asked if she was sure. “Of course.” she claimed. “It's
not that short.”
“It's a lot shorter
than yours.”
“It's the same length
as mine.” Sally replied. “Only you're a bit taller than I am.”
“but you definitely
can't see?”
“Well I could if I
wanted to.” she teased, lowering and twisting herself.
“Stop it.” I yelped
as I hopped off the stool. “Oops... almost forgot I had heels on
“You walk better than
me in them.”
“No I don't.” I
We hung the bunting
across the room from wall to wall. I say 'we'. I did all the legwork
whilst Sally directed me. Mum called her into the kitchen to help
with icing the numerous cup-cakes. I continued hanging the bunting
and as I did so, I overheard Sally telling Mum how good I look. “I
can't believe he's wearing stockings and a suspender belt too!” she
gushed, before mentioning getting a quick glimpse of my knickers.
“They're not knickers
Sally... they're just really nice underpants.” Mum insisted. It
doesn't matter how many time she says it, I don't believe her.
There's no two ways about it... I'm wearing knickers! I eavesdrop on
my sister questioning my mother's claim and my mother's explanation
that she bought most of my outfit at a specialist supplier in Penton
which sells Bro-lita fashions and petticoating clothes.
clothes?” Sally quizzed. I'd finished hanging the bunting so was
sauntering into the kitchen at this point.
“For naughty boys.”
our mother replied. “Boys are sometimes subjected to a punishment
called 'petticoating', which means they have to wear pretty dresses
for a day, week or longer.”
“That doesn't sound
like much of a punishment.” I commented. “I feel quite nice in
this... not that I'd admit it to any of my mates.”
“Which I suppose is
why it's so effective.” Mum smiled as she passed me a plate with a
big cake on it. Not surprisingly it's decorated with baby-pink icing
an on the top, in purple icing is a big number 14 and our names;
Sally & Peter. I counted the candles as I took it to the dining
room. “...twelve, thirteen, fourteen.” I placed it on the table.
There's no denying that this is going to be a joint birthday party
and not just Sally's.
As the time that
Sally's guests were due to arrive approached, I became increasingly
nervous. I know that I feel nice but fear that I look ridiculous...
and with three girls from my school coming, there's a very strong
chance that by Monday, my entire year will know that I wore a dress
on my birthday. I've been toying with a variety of excuses such as
losing a bet or doing it for a dare, but I guess I’m best just
telling the truth: last year I wanted a paint-ball party and this
year is my sister's turn to choose. Problem is, I can't see any of my
classmates saying “Oh, fair enough. I'd have done the same.” My
other worry is that the whole truth might slip out: I didn't want to
wear a dress but but when I did, it felt really nice.
Mollie arrives first
with her dress in a big bag. She is herded directly to Sally's room
to change. The others arrive not long after and are similarly herded
directly upstairs. I'm confined to the kitchen and dining room
helping Mum prepare the buffet trays. “You've taken to those shoes
like a duck to water.” Mum commented as I grab a stack of plates
from one of the high cupboards.
“Well I have spent
all week practising.” I said as I looked down at my feet. “I
quite like being a little bit taller.” I added.
“So you like them
“Hmm... kind of.” I
replied. “I'd prefer them if they weren't pink... but I guess they
go with my dress.”
“Well that's the
idea.” Mum smiled. “Everything matching.” she says before
casting me a lingering smile. “Don't tell Sally but I think you
look nicer in a dress than she does.”
“No I don't.” I
coyly insisted. “It does feel nice though... I can see why Sally
likes wearing them.” I added before wondering why the majority of
girls don't.
Mum explained what I
already knew; women wore dresses, heels and make-up when they were
seen as inferior to men and now there's more equality, there's simply
no longer a need for women to prettify themselves... in fact it's
largely frowned upon which is why my sister gets bullied and teased.
“Yeah I know but... maybe if more of them did, they'd realise
how nice it is.”
“The same can be said
for boys.” Mum replied. “Girl's wearing dresses is largely a
thing of the past... maybe it will be the boys who'll be wearing the
dresses in the future?” she suggested. I couldn't see it but Mum
reminded me that my dress is a boy's dress that came from a shop full
of pretty clothes for boys. It's a vision of the future that's too
far fetched to imagine... but who knows? On the one hand I can't see
many boys willingly wearing a dress... but on the other, that's
exactly what I'm doing. All of a sudden, Mum realised that she'd
forgot my lipstick. She popped upstairs the fetch it and returned a
moment later.
“It's the same as my
dress.” I said when she revealed the shade.
“It is.” Mum
smiled. “Now you've got to remember not to smear it...” she
explained as she applied it for me. “ no rubbing your mouth or
you'll ruin it.”
“OK.” I replied. I
wanted to see how it looked but... there's no mirror in the kitchen.
With all the excitement of getting ready, I'd clean forgotten about
my new camera. I grabbed it and asked Mum if she'd take a photograph,
just so I could see myself. “Do I look pretty?” I asked.
“Very.” Mum
grinned. She placed her hand on my puffed sleeve and thumbed my lace
trimmed collar. “When I was little girl I’d have loved to wear a
dress like this.”
“Didn't you?”
Mum explained that
dresses tended to be plain and functional rather than pretty and
prissy. Only brides and bridesmaids and flower girls got the wear
really nice frocks. Of course there were 'girlie' girls like Sally
and fanatics of the Lolita and kawaii fad, but they were few in
number. Like today, most girls and most grown women simply preferred
trousers. The tide was turning even then. She also explained that
when she was a girl, guests to a birthday party were expected to
bring a gift and a greeting card. I'd never heard of a greeting card
so mum explained the concept. So long as I've been alive, only
parents buy birthday gifts... not friends or cousins or even
siblings... and as for the greeting card tradition; “It sounds like
an awful waste of paper.” I claimed.
“Which is precisely
why we no longer have them.” Mum replied. “We also used to have
paper party plates.” she claimed. They used to buy disposable
plates to use once and throw away... surely she's winding me up?
“Paper cups too.” Mum claimed. “We were a very wasteful society
when I was young. It's not like today.” she said. The impromptu
history lesson was interesting. Sometimes the past is the strangest
Meanwhile, Sally,
Mollie, Kirsten, Sarah and Melanie are busy getting ready upstairs. I
can hear their muffled shrieks and giggles echoing down the
stairwell, and before long, their approaching footsteps. I become
increasingly nervous as I hear Sally telling them to stay in the
dining room. She pops her head around the kitchen door and beckons
me. I glance at my mother who gives me a reassuring smile before
looking down at myself and stepping forward. Sally grabs my hand and
leads me into the dining room where I'm greeted with an audible
gasp... followed by a long silence.
It probably only lasted
for a second or two... but it felt like minutes. A deep sense of
shame flooded through me as my sister's four guests just looked and
looked at me. This is the moment I'd been dreading. The moment of
ridicule that will spill into tomorrow and the days after that. I
know what I look like and for a fourteen year old boy, it's certainly
a sight to behold. With that thought I cast my eyes over their
outfits; the pinks, the prints, the bows and frills from head to toe.
Not many girls dress 'girlie' these days and Kirsten and Melanie look
just as out-of-place as I do. I smirk. Melanie smirks. Mollie
chuckles but quickly contains it, then Sarah bursts out laughing and
that sets us all off. It becomes infectious and we cant contain
ourselves. We laugh so much it hurts.
Sally, Mollie and Sarah
each wear prissy pink dresses with big Lolita bows perched on their
heads. Their make up is heavy and peachy. Their footwear, like mine,
is dainty. Kirsten wears a lilac dress because she really hates pink,
although it's got more than its fair share of pink details. Melanie,
whom I’ve never seen in a skirt or frock, clearly shied away from
the offer of a blue dress and instead wears the little pink dungarees
with a pastel blue T-shirt, pastel blue tights and a pair of white
baseball shoes with pink ribbons instead of normal laces. It's clear
that we all feel just as ridiculous as each other in our prissy girl
“Oh my god... look at
his shoes!” Mollie exclaims. “You're wearing heels!”
“Look at his hair!”
Melanie yelped. “He's got ringlets!” she giggled. “You look
brilliant!” she claimed.
“You all look
brilliant.” Mum said. She handed out some fizzy drinks and put some
music on. It's a golden oldie but highly appropriate; Girl's Just
Wanna Have Fun. The party started giddy and thanks to Sally's
meticulous planning, she kept the momentum going with a well selected
play-list of girlie songs and intermittent games. We all got in to
character and willingly played along to musical statues, blind
man's buff and pin the ponytail on the princess. Sally
presented prizes to the winners, all of which wear cheap and girlie;
a plastic jewellery set, some crayons and a colouring book, a fluffy
pink pencil case, etc.
Things quietened down a
little whilst we tucked into the buffet. Mum's cup-cakes went down
especially well. I chatted with my cousin Mel and knowingly asked why
cousin Simon (her brother) didn't come. She grinned and said “He
was too scared of wearing a dress.”
“So were you by the
looks of things.” I smiled, before telling her how Sally and I were
certain she'd rather wear a dress than the dungaree shorts she opted
for. She told me that she's a 'modern' girl and as such, refuses to
wear dresses under any circumstances. “I'd rather wear a dress than
those.” I said. “You look cute though.” I added, causing her to
momentarily grimace.
“So do you.” she
smiled. “I love your hair.”
“Really?” I coyly
said, bobbing my head and causing my ringlets to bob and bounce
around my ears.
“Yeah... its about
time boys started making an effort to look pretty for us girls.”
she claimed. “If you wasn't my cousin I'd kiss you!”
“Eek!” I thought.
“Well... thanks Mel...” I blushed. “...but I doubt I'll be
dressing like this again after today.”
“That's a shame...
but you never know, Sally might let you borrow it again.”
“Oh it's not my dress
Mel.” Sally interjected.
Melanie looked baffled.
“Mum bought it for me.” I confessed.
“Then you'll have
to wear it again.” Melanie grinned.
“Oh I dunno.” I
coyly replied. “What would my mates think?”
“You mean... when
they see all the girls flocking around you?” Melanie quizzed.
I bashfully claimed
otherwise which prompted the other girls to interject. According to
them, the kawaii-boi style is becoming mainstream in Korea and Japan
and all the girls love 'em. According to them, the trend is 'all the
rage' in Australia and New Zealand. And according to Sarah, it's only
a matter of time before they'll be selling dresses for boys in this
“They already do.”
Sally stated. “Mum went all the way to Penton to buy him a proper
boy's dress.”
“Well there you go.”
Sarah smugly smiled. “The future's already here.”
“Well... actually...”
I smugly retorted. “'s about fifty miles away, in Penton.” I
grinned. They rolled their eyes and sighed at my lame attempt at
pedantry. “I can't see it catching on.” I claimed. I looked down
at my prissy pink dress, my lacy white tights and pink heeled shoes
with the dainty little ribbon on each ankle strap, before casting my
gaze to the equally prissy outfits worn by the others. “I mean...
it feels nice and I know it looks nice but... I can't see 'most' boys
dressing like this.”
Ever the wise one, Mum
sauntered in and agreed that it's hard to imagine such a world. She
then suggested that it's equally hard to imagine a world in which
'most' women and girls wore dresses, heels, and make-up on a daily
basis, especially for young teenagers like us. “It was like that
when my mother was a girl.” Mum stated. “Granny always used to
say Sally was born fifty years too late.” she smiled. “I wonder
what she'd say if she could see you now?” she said to me.
Granny passed away a
few years ago and I remember her well. “I don't understand these
modern fashions... pants and pixie cuts... in my day girls were
girls... you could tell the difference.” she used to rant. I wonder
if she'd approve or not?
“Shall we have some
cake?” Mum suggested.
Sally had meticulously
planned the party and insisted on playing pass-the-parcel first.
“Everybody sit in a circle... and leave a space for me.” she
instructed. “Mum... you're the DJ.”
Mel and I glanced at
each other and rolled our eyes. “Time to get back in to character.”
I grinned. We sat in a circle and got giggly as the cheesy music
began and the parcel was passed from hand to hand. Not a single one
of us would have played this lame game since we were about six year's
old, but as the music unexpectedly stopped and each layer came off,
the tension built and we all got quite excited. Is this the last
layer or isn't it? “Nooo!” Around again. When the gift was
finally revealed; it was so cheap and so lame and so very girlie that
it was comical. It was obvious that the game was rigged since each of
us removed the final layer in one of the six rounds. Sarah proudly
wore the plastic tiara she'd won. Melanie wore plastic clip on
earrings and a plastic 'princess' necklace. Sally waved a fluffy
magic wand whilst Mollie donned pastel pink rings and a plastic pink
bracelet. Kirsten won some tacky plastic jewellery too, and I, like
Sarah wore a plastic tiara. We all played along and pretended to
'love' our prizes, and we all genuinely enjoyed playing
pass-the-parcel! Now that was
unexpected. Sally gave Mum her camera and arranged us all in a line;
Sally, myself, Melanie, Sarah, Kirsten and Mollie. We slung our arms
around each other's shoulders and smiled, grinned and giggled whilst
Mum took a few snaps of us wearing our party outfits and tacky
pass-the-parcel prizes. I couldn't help but feel more than just a
little bit excited.
The carpet was covered
in discarded wrapping and the lengths of ribbon that held each in
place. Sarah and I volunteered to clear them up and as we did so, she
commented on my shoes, or more specifically their 2½'' heel and how
well I walk in them. “They're OK once you get used to them.” I
replied. “Don't you have any?”
Sarah shook her head.
“My mum says things like dresses, make-up and high heels are a
symbol of subservience so I'm not allowed any.” she told me. “I'd
like some though... I think they look nice.”
“I don't like the
look of them much... they go with my dress but...”
“I mean heels in
general.” she interrupted. “I could do with being a few inches
taller.” she added, being by far the shortest of us.
“Yeah.” I smiled.
“It's a bit weird taking them off and all of a sudden being
shorter.” I said as we stepped from one sheet of wrapping to the
next, picking them up and rolling them up ready for the next time
they'll conceal a gift. “It's hard to believe people used to use
wrapping sheets once and throw them away.” she commented.
“Mum said that for
parties like this, they used to buy disposable everything;
plates, cups, knifes, forks, baking sheets, table clothes... even
“It's mad how things
used to be.” she said as she passed me the rolls of wrapping sheets
she'd gathered.
I added them to my
bundle. “Thanks.” I smiled. “Do you really think boys will be
dressing like this in the future?”
“I dunno.” she
shrugged. “Plenty already do in the far east.”
I put the wrapping
sheets away whilst Mum lit the candles on our cake. After a chorus of
Happy birthday, Sally and I blew the candles out together and hugged
each other (we do this every year) whilst receiving three cheers from
our guests. “I'm having a great day.” she whispered in my ear.
“Thank you!”
“Me too.” I replied
under my breath. “Just don't tell my friends!”
We let each other go
and rejoined our guests. Mum began cutting the cake and handed the
slices out on reusable plastic plates. I gravitated towards Sarah.
Maybe it was a tiara thing. I admired her outfit; a pink frock with
big white spots and a halter neck. Her legs are clad in patterned
white tights and on her feet, a pair of Sally's ballerina style
shoes, with bows on the toes. “You should have borrowed a pair of
heels.” I suggested. “Sally's got plenty of pairs.”
“I know... I really
wanted to but... I got a bit scared.” she replied. “They do look
daunting to walk in.”
“They are at first.”
I said. “I’m just about getting used to them now.” I replied. I
cast my mind back to our previous chat when she mentioned her
mother's opinion of dresses and make-up and asked if her mother
minded her coming to a 'girlie' party and wearing these supposed
symbols of subservience.
“I didn't tell her
what kind of party it was.” she replied. “Mum'd go bananas if she
knew.” she added. “She'd be impressed with you though.”
“Me.” I bashfully
asked. “Why?”
“Because she thinks
that what's happened in the far east is natural progression. We've
moved from a patriarchy to gender neutrality and now that's run its
course, things are swinging the other way.” Sarah replied. “Well...
they are in Japan and Korea.” she claimed. She described an article
she'd read in a woman's digi-mag and apparently in many Japanese and
Korean schools, the boys have to wear a seifuku
whether they like it or not and the girls all wear trouser suits.
I wasn't familiar with
the word 'seifuku', so Sarah described the all too familiar sailor
style uniform. “What do they call it?” I asked. “Say-fuk-ooo?”
“It's more of an 'uh'
on the end.” she replied. “Anyway... according to the article,
plenty of boys work as chambermaids over there [the far east], and
it's common for house-husbands to wear housekeeping dresses.”
“Whether they like it
or not?” I presumed.
Sally grouped us
altogether to play one more party game. Myself, Melanie and Mollie
formed one team and Sally, Sarah and Kirsten formed the other. We
played balloon volleyball using the bunting as a net. It wasn't easy
but it was lots of fun. The premise was first team to ten points
would win but it took so long to score one point, we decided to call
it a draw at six-all (it took about half an hour to get that far).
The meticulously
planned party came to its inevitable end and the guests went up to
Sally's room to change back in to their normal clothes. I helped Mum
tidy up and when asked, I bashfully admitted that I’d had a great
time. “Better or worse than paint-balling?” she asked.
“Errr.... different.”
I replied. “At least with paint-balling I could boast about it
afterwards... I don't think I'll be boasting to Mark and Jordan about
this... or anyone else.”
understandable.” Mum replied. “But I still think you should have
invited them... it seems wrong you not having any guests.” she
added. “It was just as much your party as it was Sally's.”
“I know... but if
they came then Melanie wouldn't have, and Sarah's nice.” I said.
“I can't believe Mel
wore those shorts rather than a dress.” Mum grinned.
“Yeah... she looked
cute though, not that she seemed too happy when I said so.” I
“Words like 'cute'
and 'pretty' aren't as complimentary as they used to be... not where
girls are concerned anyway.” she said. “Well... girls who aren't
your sister.” she smiled.
We cleared the dining
table and put the leftovers in plastic tubs and the plates, bowls and
beakers in the dishwasher. We lifted the dining table back to its
usual position in the centre of the room with the dining chairs
around it. I climbed the step-stool to remove the balloons and passed
them to Mum who deflated them. We took down the bunting too and
before long, everything was back to normal... almost. “Shall I go
and get changed?”
“Do you want to?”
Mum asked.
I tried to act casual.
“Well... I don't mind keeping it on for bit longer.” I said. “I
probably wont have an excuse to wear it again.”
Mum chuckled and said I
don't need an excuse. “You can wear it as often as you like if you
The sound of footsteps
from the staircase drew our attention. Mel, Mollie, Kirsten and Sarah
returned to the dining room wearing the casual clothes they'd arrived
wearing and Sally still had her party dress on. Mollie and Kirsten
were the first to leave. They thanked us for the party, said they'd
had lots of fun and expressed their delight that I'd worn a dress and
told me that I look 'great'. “Aw thanks... just don't tell anyone
at school.” I almost pleaded.
“Oh well... I don't
know if I could resist it.” Mollie grinned.
“Me neither.”
Kirsten said. “But if I do tell anyone.. I'll tell them that you
really really hated it... OK?”
I knew they were
teasing and played along. “It has been horrible.” I claimed.
“Worst birthday ever!” I grinned.
Awesome one of ur best
ReplyDeleteVery enjoyable story-a classic petticoat story about a boy put into a position where he could not refuse his ghastly pink dress. Though his views seemed ambivalent. It could have been worse though, it might have been the short-alls.
ReplyDeleteExcellent story, as usual. Seems Peter is a little quick to accept even if it is his birthday and even if he is doing it for his sister. A little more tension could have been fun. Given the description of the store where Mom bought Peter's costume as carrying "Bro-lita fashions and petticoating clothes" is this a "punishment" petticoating, of sorts, to remind Peter that he cannot always have his way as with the paint-balling birthday? You are without a doubt one of my favorite authors on the net. Many thanks for your work!
ReplyDeleteThank you. It's not intended as a 'punishment' story, just a simple case of 'his turn, her turn'. If anything it's pre-genderquake.
DeleteYour stories are like buses - there's nothing, then they all come together!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this one very much - it reminds me of my teenage years when my then girlfriend used to dress me up in her frocks. I used to pretend that
I didn't want to, but underneath, I loved it.
I know... i start one and get half way through, then start another and another, then i'm juggling three or four... then i see something shiny and forget about them all... then pick 'em up again, and start another :P Glad you enjoyed it.
DeleteIt'll be more civilized when boys and men can wear whatever they want. When a guy in a frock is no more eyebrow raising than a girl who's a tom-boy. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved your story!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I myself read it again after your comment. I think it's one of my favourites and had forgotten about the 'nothing thrown away' society where even wrapping paper and party balloons are reused... and the fledgling Genderquake coming from the far east. I wouldn't be surprised if their 17th birthday involves another dress for Peter but sadly not for Sally. :)
Deletemy favorite part was "mom you forgot to put on my lipstick"...followed by , "she suddenly realized she forgot my lipstick"...underscoring the tranformational power of that magical tube! are an exceptional writer PJ
ReplyDeleteThis story, but in real :
ReplyDeleteCes une des histoires les plus super
ReplyDeleteQue j'ai eu à lire
Même ci Google traduction bug pas mal
J'aurais peux réagi comme peter
Pas pour tout
J'ai pas de sœur Juste deux cousines que je n'est plus vues
Mais l'idée m'aurais bien plus
I'm glad you enjoyed it Jack :)
DeleteLovely, simply lovely. You understand so well that it is the tactile sensation of the clothes, the extraordinary degree to which they trigger the underused sense of touch, as much as the pretty vision they present, that is the basis of their power of enrapture.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed this story! The pictures added a lot to the plot.Nicely written. I thought that the idea of boys wearing dresses would play out as a pettycoat punishment. However, it looks like boys and younger men are getting into pleasing aggressive females.
ReplyDeleteA lovely, fun story indeed! I love how you incorporate little details about ye olden days and disposable society sins. lol It really adds to the ambience.
ReplyDeleteI may have already asked this of you, but have you read Thomas Berger's A Regiment of Women? It's a futuristic dystopian novel much like the genderquake concept. I read it as in my early twenties and given my earlier experience with crossdressing, I was enthralled and horrified at the same time. lol
Again, thanks for writing all of these wonderful tales and sharing them with us! ♥
I haven't but i shall look it up :)
DeleteYes! I have read A Regiment of Women. Years ago. I would dearly love to read it again. Quite interesting in comparison to todays values.